
Localvore Week in Hardwick!

Our neighbors at The Buffalo Mountain Food Co-op are promoting localvore week this week by selling only locally grown (defined as "within a 100 mile radius") produce.

So, I wonder, could you limit your reading to a localvore diet as well? When it comes to the diet of the mind, I would venture to say that we would all be poorer for never stepping outside of that 100 mile radius to find books that expand our understanding of the world. Still, it would be easier than you might think to fill up days of reading time solely with books written locally! An unofficial count of our inventory came up with more than 70 authors from Vermont--of those, over 50 fell within the 100 mile radius mark. Poetry, cookbooks, memoirs, novels, picture books--a full range of literature, all created just down the road, so to speak.

If you're in town, stop to browse our new window display - you may be surprised by the numbers and variety of books that have been written locally! You can also take a look at a handful of our local writers at our website, though this list is by no means complete.

For all we know, there may be someone sitting in the Co-op's cafe right now, munching on a sandwich of bread from East Hardwick, sprouts from Craftsbury, and cheese from Greensboro, while working diligently on a soon-to-be-published manuscript!


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