
Living up to the hype

source: apple.com

I'm not usually a tech geek. Having the latest gadget, or the very newest version of some computer hardware or software isn't one of my priorities. Somehow, though, the build up to the release of what we now know is Apple's iPad wormed its way into my brain to the point where I was actually counting down the days to the announcement, and hopped onto the live blogs on cnet.com and nytimes.com during the big event. I even checked out the Twitter feed for #ipad to see how people were reacting to this brand new product.

A big part of my interest had to do with the buzz about the new tablet computer being a "Kindle Killer" and a huge step forward for e-readers. Here's what Steve Jobs' had to say about the e-reader feature of the iPad (from cnet's live blog):
10:53 a.m.: Jobs is back. He puts a picture of the Kindle on screen. "Amazon's done a great job of pioneering this functionality with the Kindle. We're going to stand on their shoulders and go a bit further."

The new app is called iBooks.

10:54 a.m.: You can choose books from what looks like an actual bookshelf. On the upper left is a button that leads to the iBook Store. Can download books right to the iPad. [Five] major publishers (Penguin, Harper Collins, Simon and Schuster, MacMillan, and Hachette) are on the bookstore starting this afternoon.

Now we're getting a demo of the books app.

10:55 a.m.: The user interface is exactly like iTunes or the App Store.

10:56 a.m.: To read a book, you tap on it and it opens to be read via portrait or landscape. Tap anywhere on the right to flip forward in pages, tap on the left to go back. You can also pick up a page and lift it by dragging your finger right to left.

10:57 a.m.: A scroll bar on the bottom shows your progress through the book and what page you're on.

You can also change font and size if you want.

10:58 a.m.: It uses the ePub format. Not just popular books, but textbooks are coming as well.

But he moves on quickly without giving any detail about textbooks.

My initial reaction: This is bad for us. Apple (and the participating publishers) are bypassing traditional bookstores. By making it so very easy to purchase e-books from the iBookstore, Apple makes it incredibly inconvenient to go to an independent bookstore's website to purchase e-books.

On the other hand, there is good news here: the ePub format that the iPad will use is an open source format, meaning that it is not proprietary; you can download a book in the ePub format and access it on any compatible e-reader software, not just the iPad. [I hope this will be the case--I could be wrong.] And we've already got e-books in the ePub format available on our website. So, if people are willing to make the effort of going online to visit our website (which is possible, with the iPad's wireless capabilities), then they can easily purchase books to read on their new device.

Where people buy their books for their iPad might be irrelevant, however, depending on whether people actually buy the iPad, and if they then use it as an e-reader. Going against it is the fact that it uses a traditional computer screen, rather than the eInk technology (used by e-readers like the Kindle or the Sony Reader) that makes reading on a screen easier on the eyes. Going for it is the fact that it uses a traditional computer screen that allows publishers to use color and opens a world of possibilities to authors and publishers in the way of interactive content (videos, hyperlinked text, and so forth). The backlit screen, while it can be tiring to read from, allows you to read in the dark. Plus, there's the whole touch screen aspect, which is undeniably awesome, as anyone with an ounce of geek sense will tell you.

So, ultimately, I don't see the iPad being being the e-reader game changer that was predicted, but it is one of the more tantalizingly futuristic gadgets created for general use, and if someone (Hi, Steve Jobs!) wanted to just give me one to play with, well, I wouldn't turn it down.

For more on the iPad, good and bad:

LA Times has several articles discussing various aspects of the iPad (including its unfortunate name)

Spend days wading through the articles, OpEd pieces, and videos at cnet.

More at engadget

New York Times



And...I'm done. Feel free to Google "iPad" for over 3 million results!


Link salad

I do not follow basketball, or any other sport for that matter, but I think it's pretty cool that the LA Lakers' coach has made it a tradition to give his players books to read during their time on the road.

Over at Powell's blog, first-time novelist D.C. Pierson talks about why he thinks we should live our lives (or at least narrate them) as if we're in an adventure story.

For Linda's fellow fans of Scandinavian literature, a video interview with Karl-Ludwig Wetzig, an Icelandic translator.

The Onion reports on a dispute about the accuracy of a children's book depicting the friendship between a horse and a caterpillar. It's an outrage!

Author Stephen Elliot writes about taking his book tour directly to the people. I love the flyer advertising FREE CUPCAKES! with the bit about the author reading in small print, near the bottom.

I caught a recent episode of Diggnation* in which hosts Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht discussed the (hypothetical) pros and cons of the highly anticipated Apple tablet. I'm no tech geek and I've still yet to read an e-book, but I'm fascinated by Kevin's idea that the tablet could allow people to "follow" other readers, a la Twitter. How cool would it be to read the same books that Neil Gaiman (a personal favorite--go ahead and insert your idol of choice) has on his nightstand, and also get to read his comments on those books? If that doesn't do it for you, how about reading a book with a friend who lives far away? You could make comments to one another in the margins in a type of digital book discussion.

Who knows what features Apple's new product will include--or even what they're going to call it--or if it will be the "Kindle Killer" that some journalists are grandly predicting (much as I dislike Amazon's business practices, I can't imagine that a product that's likely to cost close to $1,000 could shut out a $259 competitor). Whatever Apple reveals next week, this is a company that is a proven trend-setter; their device is sure to set the tone for future e-readers, and it will be interesting to see in what direction this will send the book industry.

*Contains potentially offensive language.

[Update: Just a few more links to stories about the "Apple tablet" and its forseen rivalry with Amazon's Kindle.]


Help for Haiti

It's been hard to watch the news this week, with each day bringing the continued horror that the people of Haiti are facing in the aftermath of the earthquake. People are going without food, water, or medical attention as they wait for help to arrive. We may not be able to jump on a plane with a bag of food and medical supplies and start pitching in, but we can help by donating to the relief efforts that are in place. These groups need money to purchase supplies and send aid to the people in need. Here are links to a few of the organizations that are doing all they can to bring aid to Haiti. As they say, every little bit helps.

Red Cross

Pure Water for the World (a Rutland based company dedicated  to bringing clean water to developing countries)

Mercy Corps

Partners in Health  (Health care organization made famous in Tracy Kidder's Mountains Beyond Mountains)

The Clinton Foundation


A unique anniversary

The University Bookstore of Seattle, Washington has a special birthday to celebrate this year--the store turns 110 on January 10 (1/10)  and they've invited 110 authors to submit stories of 110 words to be published in a limited print run book entitled 110|110. Shelf Awareness has been publishing some of the stories, and I especially loved this one, which ran Tuesday. Just so happens that it's written by Molly Gloss, author of two of our staff picks: The Jump-Off Creek and The Hearts of Horses.

What We Will Do On Our Last Day

We'll gather at a table, all of us,
a table laid with fragile china plates,
old silver handed down on someone's wedding day,
yellow iris in a painted vase
brought back from Mexico or France.
There will be summer salad,
tomatoes warm from someone's garden,
ice cream we've cranked by hand.
We'll raise a glass to friends already gone,
speak of books we ought to have read twice,
say again the poems that bespoke our lives.
And as the dusk begins to deepen,
the candles stuttering in their cups of beveled glass,
we'll lean in to one another, our shoulders touching,
and none of us will face the dark alone.

And for a bit of fun, here's Tom Robbins' contribution:

Gemini Rising

The world's only two-headed dog is barking at the moon tonight in Walla Walla. The dog's owner, who calls himself Jim Jim, settled in Walla Walla with his two-timing second wife, LuLu, after twice contracting--first in Pago Pago, then in Bora Bora--beri beri, a disease that caused him to double over with pain. The healing waters of Baden Baden eased his malady, but it was not until a doctor in Walla Walla advised Jim Jim to take two aspirin and call him in the morning that he fully recovered. Now he's content to watch his dog, Boutros Boutros-Collie, woof woof at the moon in Walla Walla.