
Picks from the Pros

The fine members of the New England Children's Booksellers Association (NECBA) read and review advance book galleys at a furious pace each season in an attempt to cover as many new children's books as possible. The reviews are shared with others via listserv so that we don't all have to read every book, as much as we might want to. These reviews are then gathered, analyzed, catagorized, and finalized into the Spring (or Fall) Review Project by one of the intrepid booksellers of NECBA--this year, the amazing Carol Chittenden of Eight Cousins book store in Falmouth, Mass.

For the Top 10 (or A Baker's Dozen), you can view the snazzy poster, or get the full list, with reviews, here. I'm excited to say that I have two reviews included in this list, including Katherine Hannigan's True...(sort of), which is one of the Top 10 (a.k.a. Top 13) picks of the Spring List! While I'm at it, I will throw my wholehearted support behind these other Top Picks, which I read and loved: The Penderwicks at Point Mouette (the Penderwick family is always a delight to spend time with, and I'm so happy that there are two more books to come), Okay for Now (Gary Schmidt is an amazing writer and he perfectly captured the humor and tragedy of Doug Swieteck's eighth grade year), Blink and Caution (a fast-paced novel about two teens forced to trust one another when they separately stumble into a very dangerous situation), and Delirium (falling in the dystopian fiction genre, envisioning a world in which falling in love has been outlawed).

Of course, in the immortal words of Levar Burton, "You don't have to take my word for it."