
Literary Funnies

I'll admit I've always been the type to go first for the comics section of the Sunday paper. When those strips start getting a little stale, though, there is a vast universe of webcomics to explore. With the ease and affordability of publishing anything online, many artists have gained cult followings for their serialized comics online, whether they are three or four panel "funny page" style, illustrated blog-like chronicles of day to day life, or superhero adventure stories. Some have found their way into print, thanks to their large online fanbases.

My current favorites are the webcomics with a literary bent. Probably the best one out there is Hark! A Vagrant, by Kate Beaton. This Canadian artist takes historical and literary figures and infuses them with her own wry brand of humor. I love her Holmes and Watson stories, which poke fun at the ways in which those characters have been retooled for pop culture over the years. She's also done some great strips on the Brontes and Canadian literature, among many others. Check out her archives to catch up--it's all good.

Among the librarian and bookseller set, Unshelved is probably the most widely read webcomic (and it also has a great line of merchandise! I happen to be quite fond of my own "Will Work for Books" tee...) In addition to their funny observations about library patrons and administrators, the Unshelved crew offers great reviews of all sorts of books, from graphic novels to political biographies.

A fairly recent addition to the literary webcomic genre is Lit Brick, which is an interesting exercise in getting creator John Troutman through the Norton Anthology of English Literature. As it turns out, there are a lot of naughty bits in Old English lit--or, at least, Troutman is good at highlighting those points. This comic is often NSFW, but also fairly entertaining. If your curiosity is piqued, I suggest you start at the beginning.

Comically Vintage does not feature original work, but instead is a collection of panels, taken out of context from vintage comic books. From gender politics to Yankee pride, every day brings a slew of unintentionally hilarious comic excerpts that probably won't make you long for the "good old days."

For just a bit more silliness, enjoy Winnie the Pooh goes Hulk (via Fuse #8) and the search engine you've been waiting for--find any Calvin and Hobbes strip ever published (via Bookshelves of Doom).